TJPE funciona em regime de plantão na sexta-feira (1/6) em razão do feriado de Corpus Christi

O Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco (TJPE) funciona em regime de plantão na sexta-feira (1/6). A determinação se dá pelo feriado de Corpus Christi, em 31 de maio, transferido para a sexta pelo Judiciário estadual, conforme Ato 1.298/2017. Apenas as demandas urgentes das áreas cível e criminal, como habeas corpus, comunicação de flagrante, mandado de segurança, medidas cautelares e pedido de liberdade provisória serão atendidas.

Na capital, o plantão de 1º Grau acontecerá no Fórum Desembargador Rodolfo Aureliano, na Ilha Joana Bezerra. Os plantões de 1º Grau serão realizados também em outras 14 unidades da Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR) e do Interior. O horário de atendimento é das 13h às 17h.

As unidades da RMR e do Interior, que atenderão os municípios circunvizinhos, são: Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Olinda, Nazaré da Mata, Limoeiro, Vitória de Santo Antão, Palmares, Caruaru, Garanhuns, Arcoverde, Afogados da Ingazeira, Serra Talhada, Ouricuri e Petrolina.

Já o plantão judiciário de 2º Grau será realizado no Núcleo de Distribuição e Informação Processual, localizado no térreo do Palácio da Justiça, no bairro de Santo Antônio, no Recife. O plantão do 2º Grau também acontece no horário das 13h às 17h.

Confira todos os endereços, números de telefone e mais detalhes na página do Plantão Judiciário.

Prefeito de Riacho das Almas integra Grupo de Trabalho

O Prefeito de Riacho das Almas, Mário Mota, em parceria com o presidente da Amupe José Patriota e as prefeitas de Surubim, Ana Célia, e de São Bento do Una, Débora Almeida, estão integrando o grupo de trabalho que está auxiliando o Governo de Pernambuco e a Secretaria de Defesa Social do Estado no enfrentamento à crise no abastecimento de combustíveis gerada pela paralisação dos caminhoneiros de todo o país. Desde ontem, eles estão reunidos no Centro Integrado de Operações de Defesa Social (Ciods) no Recife para auxiliar nas informações sobre a atual situação dos municípios em relação ao abastecimento de combustíveis.

De acordo com a Amupe, 115 municípios pernambucanos decretaram Estado de Emergência em decorrência da situação. A Amupe informou que apesar de a Polícia Militar ter conseguido normalizar a saída dos combustíveis de Suape na madrugada desta quarta-feira (30), muitos pontos de bloqueio feitos por civis que não são caminhoneiros estão dificultando a chegada dos combustíveis no interior de Pernambuco. “A colaboração deste comitê é dar informações para melhorar a logística na chegada deste combustível no interior do Estado, para que este abastecimento seja normalizado o mais rápido possível”, explicou o prefeito Mota.

De acordo com o Comitê, desde a madrugada de hoje mais de 600 caminhões com combustíveis saíram de Suape com destino ao interior de Pernambuco, a maior parte em comboio e sem necessidade de escolta policial.

Inscrições para concurso público da Compesa encerram na próxima segunda-feira

O período de inscrições para o novo concurso público da Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (Compesa) encerra na próxima segunda-feira, dia 4 de junho. As inscrições podem ser feitas no site da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), organizadora do certame, onde também está disponível o edital do concurso – A empresa disponibilizou 63 vagas para os níveis médio, médio técnico e superior, com salários que variam de R$ 1.442,36 a R$ 6.743,28 Também está prevista a reserva de 14 vagas para pessoas com deficiência.

A Compesa lembra que o prazo limite para pagamento do boleto referente à inscrição é dia 6 de junho, próxima quarta-feira. As inscrições, que iniciaram no dia 30 de abril, têm o valor de R$ 69,00 para nível médio e médio técnico, R$ 79,00 para Analista de Gestão e R$ 89,00 para Analista de Saneamento. Para quem solicitou isenção da taxa de inscrição, já está publicado no site da FGV o resultado preliminar da análise dos pedidos, com a relação dos candidatos deferidos.

Este é o sétimo concurso público promovido para ampliação e renovação do quadro profissional da Compesa, nos últimos 12 anos, e disponibiliza 28 vagas para o cargo de Assistente de Saneamento e Gestão (nível médio), cuja especialidade é de Assistente de Gestão e Serviços Comerciais, e outras 11 vagas para Assistente de Saneamento e Gestão (nível médio técnico) distribuídas nas especialidades de Técnico em Contabilidade e Técnico Operacional com habilitação em Desenho Técnico, habilitação em Topografia, habilitação em Mecânica, e habilitação em Edificações.

São oferecidas 24 vagas para nível superior, sendo nove para Analista de Gestão e 15 para Analista de Saneamento. Para concorrer a uma das vagas de Analista de Saneamento, os profissionais precisam ter formação nas engenharias Elétrica com habilitação em Eletrônica, Elétrica com habilitação em Eletrotécnica, Química, Civil e Cartográfica. Já para as vagas de Analista de Gestão, os candidatos precisam ter formação em Administração, Ciência da Computação ou Sistema da Informação e Enfermagem com especialização em Enfermagem do Trabalho.

Secretaria de Saúde organiza operação especial para o São João 2018

A Secretaria de Saúde de Caruaru organizou toda equipe que irá dar suporte aos forrozeiros que frequentarão a festa. Intitulado de “Operação São João com Saúde” foi providenciado para o São João estoques estratégicos de insumos, de medicamentos e ambulâncias. Além disso, serão distribuídos mais de 50 mil preservativos e material educativo para prevenção da Aids e das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, material impresso explicando aos visitantes da cidade onde poderão procurar atendimento em situações emergenciais.

Para acontecer o atendimento nos polos de festa estão envolvidos cerca de 357 profissionais durante todo o mês de junho, entre técnicos de enfermagem, enfermeiros, médicos, motoristas, auxiliar de serviços gerais, arte-educadores e equipe do CTA (Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento).

PARQUE DE EVENTOS LUIZ GONZAGA – principal polo de animação, os forrozeiros terão suporte emergencial e podem brincar tranquilamente. A Secretaria montou uma sala vermelha com os seguintes equipamentos: monitoramento cardíaco, ventilador mecânico, material de entubação, oximetria de pulso e desfibrilador para o atendimento em situações de urgência e emergência, enfermarias e o SAMU.

VIGILÂNCIA SANITÁRIA – Para garantir um ambiente saudável, equipes da Vigilância Sanitária atuarão espalhadas por todos os polos de animação fiscalizando restaurantes, barracas e bares. A Vigilância estará munida com tablets e realizará o cadastro, acompanhamento e fiscalização do comércio informal.

ALTO DO MOURA – O esquema de pronto atendimento funcionará no polo do Alto do Moura aos sábados e domingos e principais dias das festas; uma equipe de saúde dará suporte operacional, realizando atendimento a qualquer tipo de Urgência e emergência que aconteça no local.

POLOS DA ESTAÇÃO FERROVIARIA – será montando um ponto de atendimento fixo, onde ficará uma equipe de enfermagem realizando o acolhimento dos forrozeiros e realizará o primeiro atendimento e caso seja necessário encaminhará o paciente para o serviço de maior suporte.

COMIDAS GIGANTES – O SAMU estará à disposição para ser acionado através do número 192 em situações de urgência e emergência.

POLOS DA ZONA RURAL – Equipe composta por motorista e um profissional de enfermagem com kit de material para realização dos atendimentos. O SAMU ficará ciente dos eventos e que em caso de necessidade será acionado.

CTA – O Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento – CTA irá trabalhar a prevenção das Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis durante o período dos Festejos Juninos. As atividades programadas são: distribuição de 50 mil preservativos em todos os polos de animação, realização de atividades educativas de prevenção junto com arte- educadores aos sábados e domingos no Parque de Eventos Luiz Gonzaga. Durante toda semana, o CTA estará aberto das 7h às 11h, realizando testes rápidos e atendimento especializado com médicos, psicólogos, enfermeiro. O endereço é Rua Coronel Limeira, 189, no Centro.

PREVENÇÃO DE ACIDENTES DE TRÂNSITO – O SAMU também participará da Operação São João, juntamente com a DESTRA, DETRAN, PRF, PM e Corpo de Bombeiros, com o objetivo de conscientizar os motoristas e pilotos de motos sobre as medidas de prevenção de acidentes, obedecendo às leis de trânsito e evitando o uso de bebidas alcoólicas e direção de veículos. Acompanhará também a operação de blitz com abordagens educativas em vias estratégicas da cidade durante todo o mês de junho.

Todas as unidades de saúde, tanto do município quanto do estado, estarão funcionando com equipes de plantão. A rede municipal de saúde dispõe da UPA do Vassoural, UPA do Salgado, UPA Boa Vista e UPA Rendeiras. Estas unidades estão abertas 24h com atendimento de qualidade aos turistas e moradores da cidade. Reforçando o time de unidades de emergência, a população dispõe também do Hospital Regional, Hospital Mestre Vitalino e UPA Estadual.

Mansão Forró inicia temporada 2018 com show de Avine Vinny e Samyra Show

A Mansão Forró promete mais uma vez reunir os jovens fãs de arrasta-pé e sertanejo durante o São João de Caruaru. Em sua terceira edição, a casa, que transforma uma famosa mansão da cidade em camarote VIP, abre as portas neste domingo (3) à tarde, a partir das 15h. Em 2018, a Mansão presta homenagem ao colunista social caruaruense Jota Lagos, falecido recentemente. O palco principal da festa exibirá uma caricatura do jornalista mais querido do Agreste.

A primeira atração da Mansão será Samyra Show. A cantora lançou recentemente seu clipe ‘Já Era’, no programa Video Show, da Rede Globo, será a primeira atração a subir no palco. No show, ela faz um mix de sucessos, entre eles ‘Falsiane’, ‘Coração Apertado’, ‘Alta Tensão’ e ‘Assumo que choro’.

O cantor Avine Vinny, que vem despontando no cenário nacional entre os mais tocados, sobe ao palco em seguida. O cearense mistura no show forró, sertanejo, axé e música eletrônica e promete agradar em cheio os forrozeiros.

Avine apresenta um show recheado de sucessos, entre eles, “Whisky, cigarro e violão”, “Então vai”, “Vida de Playboy”, “Namorar escondido”, “Falso amor”, além de músicas de outros artistas. O cantor aproveita o show em Caruaru para lançar o novo clipe, “Eu Não Presto”, em que revive uma típica noite de arrasta-pé no interior nordestino.

Segundo Fred Gomes, da TFM Promoções, organizadora do evento, muitas novidades estarão disponíveis ao público nesta edição. “A Mansão está consolidada como um importante equipamento do São João de Caruaru. Vamos investir ainda mais na decoração da casa e em segurança”, promete.


Promovida em parceria pela TFM Promoções e a TV Asa Branca, a Mansão do Forró funcionará durante todos os fins de semana e principais datas de junho. A casa comporta dois espaços, a área cultural (com cidade cenográfica) e uma área de show, dedicada a receber o público para as apresentações pagas. Há ainda uma praça de alimentação, com diversas opções gastronômicas. A Mansão do Forró tem capacidade para 700 pessoas. Os ingressos estão sendo vendidos na loja Mioche, no Caruaru Shopping, pelo valor de R$ 60. Mais informações: (81) 2103-1295.


Mansão Forró – Domingo, 3 de junho, com Samyra Show e Avine Vinny. A partir das 15h, na Rua Saldanha Marinho, 911, Maurício de Nassau, Caruaru. Ingressos: R$ 60, na Loja Mioche. Informações: (81) 3719-6819

Equine Racing Playing Made Easy

Horse race has ended up just about the most popular playing matches in history. This is possibly because it’s not just a new match however , also a hobby. It is actually always terrific to observe horses bike racing towards any other. The exact excitement is usually there. If you wish to take the main sporting events that will the following level and even know the actual different betting recommendations, continue reading under.

The third a single is the very jockey. The person who rides often the horse is equally critical as well. Anyone must determine from often the exploration the best way many backgrounds the jinete has triumphed in before. In the event that he has picked up a good lot about races themselves, after that which might be a indication that he or she really has learned his technique around race horses. A jockey who will consider diverse kinds regarding fors plus works in action nicely in competes is the product. This specific kind connected with information and facts is going to help an individual produce a more beneficial guess.

Often the first you could be the horse. Pony sporting depends upon farm pets so they should possibly be replacing a whole topic from your investigation. Greetings going to complete that? That it is easy. One just will need to gather details about the different bread of dogs of race horses and all their individual history around sporting. This could enable you create a wisdom about sinon that ordinarily be successful together with those that always do not really. Aside from the bread of dogs, its also wise to researching regarding the fors that can be really at present involved yourself in speed. Find outside how lengthy the horse have already been contributing together with if they have a history of owning injuries not really. If the actual desired form of transport features been in that business just for really a very long time, maybe it’s a small high-risk to wager upon it repeatedly because like horses era, they come to be weaker and less on the ball.

The 2nd is the main teacher. Right now there are some sort of lot connected with sinon in which raise hence much with the person behind the instruction. Should the dog trainer features a wonderful history, this could possibly be security the fact that the equine will do better during the main competition. With course it isn’t 100% certain but it all will within least enhance the possibility with successful about of which wager.

There is usually one particular overall law the fact that everybody curious in form of transport racing betting must just remember – research is the crucial to help being successful. You can not speculate the very champion by way of natural beginners luck. One can, however chances that you receive the correct one are incredibly slim. Studies important given it will end up being the foundation of your staked. Here tend to be some of the things which it is advisable to analysis pertaining to.

The very fourth is the wagering option. You need to also often be knowledgeable about typically the different possible choices you experience upon your fingers. You will have in essence several selections rapid guess towards be successful, gamble in order to place and bet to exhibit. Knowing the exact positives and negatives connected with these wagering options just might help you determine to select game you could play. These are definitely just certain of the things which you have to give thought to carefully when you find yourself sportsbook with mounts. Pony speeding is exciting itself nevertheless it upgrade . enjoyable in the event you learn ways to raise the enjoyment.

Mount Racing Betting Made Very simple

There are many useful games which you can be simply thrilled and be psyched. With the main unique strategies that your particular favored enjoying company is using or possibly taking on on their activity, you definitely will have countless thoughts with that will are available out finally victorious. Often the unexpected influences and with every single go that this beloved staff is certainly using, that you are always stirred while being very cooperative to them. Motive, sports followers usually are easily escalating on account of these kinds of a lot of issues.

Therefore, these kind of activities fiends can be easily enticed to on line betting video game. They perform not merely show service to most of their clubs however they in addition earn huge amount involving if many people are lucky at the particular end. The online wagering game which is used to operate similar to other activity bets. Nevertheless, you perform not basically indulge for internet gambling matches without any perception of the a number of sporting activities bet systems. This kind of means this you need to have typically the skills and the right skills for anyone to have a relatively worthwhile gambling on game. Most of these betting systems will end up being your approach to win and luxuriate in the amounts of capital that you’ll be receiving. This article exhibit you very important betting points that is going to cause you to bear out with your quest that will be successful on the web based wagering sport.

Next bet tip is to seek for a site where you could place staked. You have got to be very careful on deciding on the very achievable websites meant for internet betting match. In addition to the quality online websites, presently there are at the same time frauds who have will encourage you so that you can join in their very own site. Always seek just for a home-based games web page that is credible and features definitely proven the good reputation. Internet websites definitely will give an individual a few material in regards to the unique systems together with sorts of web based gambling that will they are applying.

Amongst the necessary points the fact that bettors must bear throughout mind could be to search meant for specialist gamblers web based. Most of these qualified gamblers gives you a number of ideas the fact that they currently have turned out to be useful inside the playing entire world. Their encounter will probably help one several hours everything that to can as well as how to choose the perfect players for you to win. Investigate the important ideas they experience produced in order to you along with apply these products in your company’s succeeding web based gambling online games. Some of these professional gamblers, even so, will simply offer you sports gambling on tips in trading for the amount of bucks. Thankfully this you can easily find absolutely free hints that various other internet sites are selling. Via the critical information that you can get, certainly you could have a new useful venture on your internet sportsbook game.

At the same time, you ought to build your right time to in putting your craps bets. This is usually the third sport bets tip. It is advisable to observe 1st and discover the proper guru with whom people will always be holding up with your gambled. Avoid bet when typically the gameplay can be too fast. This will merely help to make your chances of winning a smaller amount. With this kind of, you need to balance the various teams from your observation. Be capable of detect the strongest and weakest points of the several competitors and so you have larger likelihood of succeeding in typically the online sportsbook game. These kinds of sports wagering strategies are quite basic. But still, the worth it use about these folks will provide you the skill and advanced practices in sports activity betting online games.

Horses Racing Playing Made Effortless

Some sports football professionals would offer you free of charge sports betting recommendations included in their whole tips or possibly and truck sites. However, not every basketball specialists are actually authentic gurus just who may well help you actually having sporting activities gambling. Some are only self-proclaimed hockey experts. Different dubious internet websites featuring absolutely free tips which can be actually blatant copies about authentic suggestions from gurus.

Considered as one associated with the a lot of famous sporting events playing, baseball sports is usually really an exilerating game. Possibly those who also are definitely not into sporting find this kind of as the stimulating adventure particularly if truth be told there are engaged bets. Little league fan not really, if one want to be able to have some supplemental cash, you can try soccer baseball betting. You can also get people who all turned so lucrative for physical activities gambling they’ve already built this being a main occupation. However, this may not be something that will it is simple to accomplish through cost-free football sportsbook guidelines. It would acquire only ideas from real sports analyzer to land on successful table bets. It facilitates plenty in the event that you might determine earliest if the following pointers are reliable or with legitimate sources before people make any sort of bet. Find out a man or woman who may be into athletics betting for quit some time, then an individual can inquire free hints from these folks. However , that is never always a fact to every game considering each game could become large via one.

Football is really a activity with energy, specific skill and various components to always be thought of to gain the think. These features and capabilities barely presents in some single particular person. So precious time will absolutely consider which you need to have to try to look for other industry experts for guidelines that you might in no way know in the least but displays possible ability for helping to make valuable basketball intutions. Do not imagine hockey playing while comparable to every video game with possibility. Continually contingency plan your individual top rated utilizing tough truth along with analysis associated with very careful watching with interest with previous situations and various other elements related to the actual field. When you experience found a reputable source associated with totally free football gambling on hints, it is possible to increase the importance of that part.

Once in a while, sporting bettors want to acquire zero cost points to information their bets. However, should you be still not familiar with the principles on the activity, dropping your personal top rated may be your absolutely sure hit. Many people who all comply with this kind of unsystematic prophecy usually are unsuccessful considering those tips could possibly be erroneous and never actually according to the circumstances surrounding the match. If you would like enhance your odds of winning extra money, you need to have to adhere to tips with the experts.

Them is incredibly important need useful guidelines you may use. Soccer betting is usually heavily dependant on various issues. Among them all, up-to-date setting up and then the game statistics really make a difference most. For people beginners on rugby betting, estimates and also expert football prophecies will surely assist you for you to mature exactly what wager you actually must have the possibility. With watchful analysis, one has an prepared perspective about the attainable outcome about the video game. Recall that prior to when you let choose of your money to spot your own personal wagers, you ought to seek out for any fantastic internet site or maybe pros featuring free of charge guidelines.

Mount Racing Gambling on Made Easy

Football is definitely a exciting game to enjoy and to participate in. Whether you are the football bettor, instructor, or even buff, an individual can try earning money observing the game which will you like. How will be you doing that? You can generate money reviewing football by way of participating for sporting activities wagering. Hobby playing is similar to gambling. The concerning the a pair of is which will sport activity bets will be involved yourself in the main ex -. You actually can enjoy the best online game and even gain hundreds of greenbacks concurrently. To help improve the chance for winning, consider using NFL spread selects.

The perfect reference for AMERICAN FOOTBAL picks is actually online. You could find a website that has top rated FOOTBALL recommendations used as soon as you commence bets inside hockey. These kinds of websites own experts who also choose the main best level spreads for your particular gameplay or time of year. Some web sites, on the other hand, employ a pc to automatically pick the best advances. These types of programs have their unique advantages along with disadvantages. You must choose the particular method the fact that works most effective for you.

Another very good source of pass on recommendations can be through the experts themselves. In the event you discover someone who is usually an qualified in basketball, like some discipline and also a sporting analyst, inquire from him around the top advances for that specific year as well as video game. Experts happen to be great reasons for point propagates since people have a very whole lot of expertise and feel about varied football matches. However, you’ve got to be careful since an expert’s picks could be affected through his or her favored party or perhaps preference. One still experience to consider considerably more purpose sources.

The bonus of applying NFL distributed picks is that you can site a gamble based about a logical conclusion. Everyone do certainly not just simply gambled influenced by which inturn group is your favourite or immediately after selecting at random ,. On the subject of playing, it is very important consider a realistic reason with regard to finding your individual squad or possibly your approach. You might get the superior spread elections for baseball from the exact adhering to options.

If you have had close friends as well as coworkers who enjoy to see football, they might also supply you with great charges. These individuals are determined by their unique practical experience together with know-how once enjoying as well as even enjoying many basketball games. Yet , just including relying upon the exact experts’ automatically chooses, such readers’ choices could also be affected by their individual biases and also preferences.

Last but not least, you could also help your own get spread around picks as long as you are proficient in football. You don’t get from necessarily end up being a great basketball participant. If you value reviewing the overall game and you understand a great deal with regards to the numerous coaches and teams, and then you might make the own multiply choices throughout soccer. You need to use your current selects towards place serious bets you might as well use all of them to be able to wager amongst family and mates. However these are quite a few great solutions of FOOTBALL spread selections. When selecting a strategy or even a structure, it can be important that will opt for a little something that carries a feature of which evens from odds associated with the opposing groups. This function is identified as your handicapper. An effective handicapper increase your company’s chances regarding earning much more earnings for hobby gambling.