Jamie Livingston (C), 25-year-old security officer helps to carry the coffin of his mother, care worker Janet Livingston, 60, who died of COVID-19, as it arrives at the Parkgrove Crematorium near the village of Friockheim, east Scotland on May 4, 2020 for the funeral service. – Janet Livingston, a 60-year-old care worker, fell ill nearly three weeks ago after she returned home from a shift at a care home where three people had been infected with COVID-19. Despite initially testing negative for the virus she developed a high fever of 39 degrees and difficulty breathing. She died of COVID-19 in hospital with her 25-year-old son Jamie at her side. Jamie then had to go directly home to self-isolate for two weeks at his home in the coastal village called Ferryden in east Scotland, emerging to attend Janet’s funeral on May 4, 2020. (Photo by Andy Buchanan / AFP) / AFP PHOTO ESSAY BY ANDY BUCHANAN
A pandemia do novo coronavírus matou mais de 150 mil pessoas na Europa, sendo pelo menos 75% no Reino Unido, Itália, Espanha e França – aponta um balanço feito pela AFP com base em fontes oficiais, nesta quinta-feira (7).
Com um total de 150.138 mortes (de 1.640.799 casos), a Europa é o continente mais duramente atingido pela pandemia, que matou 263.573 pessoas no mundo.
Reino Unido (30.076) e Itália (29.684) são os países europeus mais afetados, seguidos por Espanha (26.070) e França (25.809).